How to Get Rid of Bad Breath: 5 Natural Remedies
- by Ruby

Simple and Easy Home Remedies for Bad Breath:
Bad Breath make the people who seat beside us unbearable and also indirectly drops our confidence levels. We may feel bad smell from the mouth due to bacteria located on our tongue or food that struck between teeth. There are many remedies to get rid of bad breath permanently as follows.
Fennel is the best way to treat bad breath. All you have to do is take a tablespoon of fennel and chew it completely. And, you can also have fennel tea two times a day to remove bad breath in short span of time.
Rinse with Warm Water:
Generally speaking, drinking plenty of water will aid you to get rid of bad smell from the mouth. For a couple of times in a day, completely rinse your mouth with warm water and also lessen your alcohol content.
Cinnamic aldehyde which is an essential oil present in the Cinnamon kills the bacteria that causes bad breath. Take a spoonful of cinnamon and add a cup of water. Boil it and use it as a mouth refresher to free from bad smell.
In short track of time you can feel good from bad breathing problem with the help of Cloves that are composed of antibacterial properties. As per wish, chew cloves directly or else make a tasty cup of cloves tea and then drink.
Lemon Juice:
People those who are dry mouthed and suffering with bad breath they must and should intake lemon juice mixed with a pinch of salt. It effectively fights against fungal bacteria and keep you odor free.